Monday, June 9, 2008


I am a wall street / finance / stock market history junkie. Probably started when I bought the PC game Railroad Tycoon. Loved it and played for hours on end - at a time when there was no internet and the parents really could have cared less how long I was on the computer as long as I didn't flunk out of school. Anyway, Railroad Tycoon introduced me to Vanderbilt, Cooke, Gould and the other great railroad men. From railroads to wall street I went. I first started collecting 19th century books about successful men, then pre-WWII board games about the stock market and wall street, now on to trade cards, stocks and bonds, and other printed ephemera about wall street, finance, etc. I suspect there are many collectors out there that like this sort of thing as the ebay auctions for such items are always hot - especially in the 19th century wall street book area.

I am basically going to write periodically about the stuff I collect, or interesting items on ebay to check out and touch on a little bit of history. I might not update this as much as I would like, but I will try to to it weekly.

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